Within recent years, trends have shown an increase in the use of platform ladders, both in industrial and residential users. Here is why you shouldn’t be without one.
Platform ladders improve productivity: more platform space and longer handrails allow for more room to move while working in multiple directions.

Platform ladders are more comfortable to work on, with complete foot support on the platform you can work longer without experiencing fatigue.
Platform ladders can improve safety statistics: They eliminate the top cap and top step which are not safe for climbing. Elimination of non-climbing surfaces can reduce misuse and OSHA fines. In addition, less climbing up and down provides less opportunity for slips and falls.
New Pinnacle Gate allows for 360-degree workspace: Despite the warnings, we were still receiving reports of OSHA citations for unsafe use of platform ladders. It is unsafe when the user faces the open side of the ladder, so we created a gate to help improve safe use of the Pinnacle platform ladder.
Why do I need a gate, isn’t that counter-productive?
- To work facing 4 directions. Have you caught yourself not following the safety labels? Have you been close to what you need, and faced the wrong way for a quick second? Work in all directions with confidence now.
- Keeps you within the platform area. Creates a 4-sided barrier that allows you to feel and know where you are within the platform and the edge.
- Impress your safety director by demonstrating a commitment to safety by using special equipment. Extra protection from a safety and workers compensation claims standpoint.

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